HELLO, EVERYBODY!! I hope everyone had a great weekend this time around and hopefully you got some things done and delivered. Anyhoo, I'm really excited to come to you guys today with a new album unboxing post! I don't think I'll ever get tired of these to be honest, I just love writing them and can't wait to finish writing my next one!
For those of you who maybe probably aren't all that curious about these unboxings, feel free to check out my backlog of book reviews I have posted! I'm currently in a HUGE reading slump so that's why I've been lacking on the book reviews so far this year. I just don't know how to come out of it but I'm hoping it will be soon, I have so many books I want to read and so little time.
Anyway, let's jump right into this post now shall we?

Tucked into the back of the album book was yet another poster (I felt so spoiled) and of course, the CD. IT'S SO YELLOW.
It's actually quite a happy yellow and kind of adorable, I kind of obsessed with it at this point.

And here is a picture of the poster that came in the photo book. It's quite a nice size for a poster and I actually kind of want to hang it up on my wall. Even though I feel like a creeper with posters on the wall. Anyway, moving on.
As you can see, I also received quite a few sheets of various stickers of the group and the members form various concepts for photo shoots and albums. I thought they were so cute! I can't wait to use them to make some phone skins and maybe stick them onto my laptop or something. I don't know, we'll see what I decide on.

And that is it for the unboxing! I decided that this album was too pretty not to display on my floating shelves so I moved a couple of things around to make room for displaying it.
In case you're curious on seeing how these shelves look on my wall, I have a post going up on Of Wonderland this week on some tips I have for Spring cleaning featuring these shelves and how they look so stay tuned to see the full picture! But for now, I'm just going to stare at my shelves like a normal person. Duh.
For those of you who maybe probably aren't all that curious about these unboxings, feel free to check out my backlog of book reviews I have posted! I'm currently in a HUGE reading slump so that's why I've been lacking on the book reviews so far this year. I just don't know how to come out of it but I'm hoping it will be soon, I have so many books I want to read and so little time.
Anyway, let's jump right into this post now shall we?
So this unboxing is obviously for GOT7's newest album "Eyes On You" which is actually SO AMAZING OMG. Here is a quick overlook of the album straight out of the packaging and I'm so happy with the version I got in the mail! I was actually hoping for the "You" version of this album since I decided to pre-order the random choice option for the album but upon receiving the "Eyes" version I realized I like this version a lot better. So that worked out nicely now didn't it?
Here are a few pictures of the album dust cover. It felt very much like a Morgan Matson book in which the dust cover had a secret poster on the back. I actually freaked out when I opened the dust cover because I didn't know it would have something on the inside of it. I just wanted to see what the naked cover looked like so I was pleasantly surprised.
Inside the photo book was also a handful of photo cards along with quite a few sheets of stickers but I'll show those up close later on in the post. For now let's move onto the inside of the photo book.

It's actually quite a happy yellow and kind of adorable, I kind of obsessed with it at this point.
Here are a few pictures of the photo cards as well as the backs of them. It was so cute how some of the photo cards were actually little gift tags! I feel like I would probably use these if I had friends who loved this group as much as I did but since I don't have friends that listen to kpop (though they actually told me they REALLY want to get into in, fam I'm crying) so I'll be saving these photo cards for me, myself and I. Because, I mean, look at them. My heart fluttered, y'all. FLUTTERED.

As you can see, I also received quite a few sheets of various stickers of the group and the members form various concepts for photo shoots and albums. I thought they were so cute! I can't wait to use them to make some phone skins and maybe stick them onto my laptop or something. I don't know, we'll see what I decide on.
And now let's take a closer 'look' into the photo album. I have to say, this is probably in my top three of my favorite concepts for albums from this group. I love the chill and somewhat moody and relaxed concept for this album and I loved looking through it. I swear these kpop albums are just the perfect coffee table books, they are so aesthetically pleasing in so many ways. And I'm not just saying that because of the visuals. The visuals are strong with this group.
And now onto the 'Look Book' that came with the album. It's a pretty simple photo book with just various pictures of the group. It also had a cute little photobooth-style row of pictures that would actually make a cute bookmark. I personally love the last picture in this photo book, they just look so happy! It also had a little code right underneath the picture to access a special dance practice video for their album single "Look" which I'm very excited to watch.
To rewind a bit, these are some pictures from the actual album book. I could've easily moved this picture up in the post so as not to make an awkward jump back to the beginning but quite honestly I'm just too lazy and I don't want to mess with the layout of this post. SO ENJOY.
AND NOW THE POSTER. Okay, so this poster I'm actually quite tempted to hang up on my wall. It's one of my favorite posters that I have of GOT7 and I own kind of a lot. I probably won't end up actually hanging it up on my wall but at least this time I'm considering it!

In case you're curious on seeing how these shelves look on my wall, I have a post going up on Of Wonderland this week on some tips I have for Spring cleaning featuring these shelves and how they look so stay tuned to see the full picture! But for now, I'm just going to stare at my shelves like a normal person. Duh.
Until next time my lovely readers! Read on, bookworms! See you in the next chapter!

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