Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Song Of The Week #11

Hello, everyone! I hope everyone is having a great week so far! This week, there's not that much for me to update you guys on when it comes to life. This past week wasn't all the crazy or weird, if anything, it was pretty calm and relaxing. Which is always welcomed!

I can tell you, however, that yesterday I went shopping with three good friends of mine to blow off some steam before Monday arrived. It was such a fun day, we just went to different stores, to grab a bite to eat, and just jammed out to our current favorite songs. It was such a nice and refreshing little shopping day that lasted for a few good hours. Not to mention the weather was GREAT!

One of my goals for 2017 was to take more days like that to just relax and throw time out the window. I wasn't worried about being anywhere on time, doing something important, stressing about school work, it was just a really nice day out that I was in need of. I think it's awesome to sometimes just take a day off and not think about work, school, responsibilities. I highly encourage you out there to do the same every now and then to just take a deep breath and let the stresses go for a day. You'd be surprised how refreshed you'll end up being after the day is done. 

I know this post is pretty short, which is part of the reason why I really like making these, but to sum up this week's update: Just breathe. Jam out. Peace out!




  1. Not bad tune.
    I like to de-stress by doing yoga.

    Have a good week!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! That's a great way to relax! I appreciate people who do yoga!

  2. Nice choice in song! I hadn't heard of this one before :3

    1. Thank you! It's my current favorite tune so I'm really glad you enjoyed it! <3
