Hello, eveyone! Today I'm super excited to be bringing you all this album unboxing that I've been DYING to post but life happens and well, time doesn't like being my friend so yeah.
ANYHOO, since there's kind of a lot to show you guys I'll get right into the unboxing. If you're interested, keep reading to see all that this album contains and if you choose to do so, please check out my previous album unboxings if you would like to as well.

Okay, so, confession time. The reason why this unboxing is going to be kind of long, or at least longer than my previous ones, is simply because I bought both versions of the same album.
I honestly couldn't decide which version I wanted more, plus I wanted both versions so there. This happened. I REGRET NOTHING. Let's get into the unboxing instead of focusing on my lack of self-control.

So first, let's go over the different versions. The first one is the MAGIC HOUR and the second is the GOLDEN HOUR. I can't decide which one I like more since they both have slightly different themes and aesthetics.
They both came with a good amount of things and you know how much I love things like OMG GIMMEE.

And here we have the MAGIC HOUR. This album's aesthetic is seriously EVERYTHING OMG. It's so pretty and calming and it makes me happy. I forgot to mention that both albums came with these cool little postcard booklets which is really satisfying to look through.
The photography for both are so pretty and magical in a sense.
Not that I'll be sending these to anybody, I don't think I could ever bring myself to part with any of them because, you know, I'm just a TINY bit of a HUGE fan of GOT7. Just a little one, not much. Obviously.

BUT YOU GET WHAT I MEAN, RIGHT? Yes? Okay, thank you.

As always, these were double sided and I got one with both albums. Now that I have all these photo cards, I seriously need to figure out a way to use them instead of letting my stack of photocards continue to grow. And grow. And grow.
Excuse me while I cry in shame.
Okay I'm good, let's actually see these photocards instead of making you read more of my babble that no one has time for.
Okay, no words needed.

And last but certainly not least, the posters as the finale. I will say that it always makes me laugh a little at how huge these posters are. I've only ever received one actual small poster . . . and it's not even a poster, more like a flyer meant to be placed in the album booklet.
One of these days I should do a haul of all of my posters, it's almost as big as my book collection, I swear.

I think this one is my favorite of the two since it's just so pleasing to look at . . . for a number of reasons and not just because of the actual scenery in the background.
I would love to hang this one on my wall should I ever get over my weirdness about posters. Cross your fingers because my posters are so sad in their little box.
So that is it for this album unboxing! I'm sorry if this post was whoa long and if you took the time to read it all, I applaud you. I've been horrible, positively HORRIBLE at keeping up with writing posts, reading my favorite blogs and commenting on their posts so hopefully, I can get back to being active in that way. It will take some time but I'm confident I can eventually get into some sort of groove with it all. Anyhoo, thank y'all so much for reading if you did, and please leave me a comment on what your current favorite song is, whether it be a new release or a throwback track.
Read on, bookworms! See you in the next chapter!