HELLO, WORLD!! I'm here today with another album unboxing for you guys and boy is it out of order. As you can tell by the title of the post, this is the final chapter in this album series. Sorry, but I'm working my way backwards from here. You know, like how you start with dessert first and then the actual meal. Same concept. DON'T QUESTION ME.
Alright, let's get right into this unboxing, shall we?
So here is a quick little overview of the album having been freshly opened from it's sealed packaging! The box is actually SO PRETTY it made me want to cry. I'm not a fan of pink but OMG was this beautiful! This album came with quite a lot of stuff which makes me very, very happy and excited to show you guys pictures of everything. Okay, I can't contain my excitement any more, let's move on!

The CD is also SO PRETTY and I just can't anymore with the packaging. This album if probably the prettiest album I've ever unboxed and that's saying something because I feel like I've unboxed quite a few pretty ones already. Not to mention one the ones I've opened in the past had a holographic cover front and back, you can't get any prettier than that but I think this one is an exception.
Here's a picture of the little photo cards and extra goodies the album came with. One of the cards has a little message written on the back along with the nice detail of the albums listed in order for the album series in the upper left corner. The album also came with two more photo cards of two of the members, one being see through which is really neat and also came with two stickers! It's not every day I get stickers in albums and I've only ever gotten two sticker sheets with albums so this really made me happy having one group sticker and two group logo stickers. I plan on either sticking them to a phone case or sticking them onto my laptop, I haven't decided yet.
Okay, now for the main photo cards. The photo cards are actually really big, about 6 X 8 inches and are double-sided. I seriously love these photo cards so much and they're definitely my favorite set that I've received so far. Not to mention there are so many of them so that also makes me a very happy human bean.
Sadly, this album didn't come with a poster but I'm honestly not that mad about it. It's not like I need yet another poster that I'm just going to put in a box and forget about. Though it still makes me a tiny bit sad . . .
ANYWAY, that is it for this unboxing post! I hope you guys enjoyed this smaller unboxing and that you had fun reading it. I'm still trying to catch up on all these album unboxings that I currently have saved as drafts and boy, is it taking me a minute to get through them all. I SHALL TRIUMPH!
Until next time, my lovely readers! See you in the next chapter!
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