Friends With Boys by Faith Erin Hicks (GN)

Rating: PG
Genre: Graphic Novel, Paranormal, Fantasy
Score: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Page Count: 220
Stand Alone
Publisher: First Second
Published: February 28, 2012
After years of homeschooling, Maggie is starting high school. It's pretty terrifying.
Maggie's big brothers are there to watch her back, but ever since Mom left it just hasn't been the same.
Besides her brothers, Maggie's never had any real friends before. Lucy and Alistair don't have lots of friends either. But they eat lunch with her at school and bring her along on their small-town adventures.
Missing mothers...distant brothers...high friends... It's a lot to deal with. But there's just one more thing.
Maggie's big brothers are there to watch her back, but ever since Mom left it just hasn't been the same.
Besides her brothers, Maggie's never had any real friends before. Lucy and Alistair don't have lots of friends either. But they eat lunch with her at school and bring her along on their small-town adventures.
Missing mothers...distant brothers...high friends... It's a lot to deal with. But there's just one more thing.
1. Like I said before in a few of my previous posts, I'm really into graphic novels at the moment and I don't think my loved for them is going away anytime soon. I have to say that out of all the graphic novels I've read this year, this one has to be my favorite hands down! I really loved this one so here's my review!

4. Overall, I just really loved this graphic novel and I can't wait to reread it in the near future! This book definitely has a permanent place on my bookshelf and I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to check out some graphic novels but isn't really sure where to start. I think this is definitely a good choice to make if you're new to graphic novels and I think this one is a great introduction to them. If you liked Anya's Ghost by Vera Brosgol, I would suggest picking this one up!

I hope you guys enjoyed this book review! If you have any other book requests you would like me to review, just leave a comment or send me an email! Read on bookworms! See you in the next chapter!