I wasn't tagged by anybody but I thought this was such a fun new tag! This tag was originally created by Sarah Jane @
TheBookLife on YouTube!
Mean Girls is pretty much the epitome of the teenage years in high school and has become somewhat of a phenomenon amongst teens both then and now in present time. Let's face it, we've all seen the movie and for some it's a guilty pleasure. Nonetheless, there is an undeniable love for this movie for so many people that I just had to put my two cents in for this tag! Let's get started!
1. "It’s pronounced like Cady” - Which fictional character’s names did you get completely wrong?

There have been countless times when I've pronounced names in books completely wrong, mainly in fantasy novels such as
Throne Of Glass and
The Young Elites but luckily it wasn't as bad with those two books. Partly because the first one has an actual pronunciation guide. Anyway, one name I just couldn't wrap my brain around was Matias from
Legend by Marie Lu. I pronounced it as Ma-tie-as when really, it's pronounced Ma-tay-as. Too bad I had to learn that from my brother who was listening to the audiobook. I still sometimes mess up his name every now and then but at least I'm learning, right?
2. “She doesn’t even go here!” - Which character would you like to place in a fictional world from another book or series?

I seriously think that Juliette would make a very fitting member to the world of
The Young Elites by Marie Lu. Not only do the main characters have some really cool powers, but they're also very kick-butt and actually are the good guys despite how much hate they get from the people. I think Juliette would fit in very well because of her unique power and the group might even welcome her with open arms. Well, maybe not so open . . .
3. “On Wednesdays we wear pink!” - Repetition. Repetition. Which book gave you dejavu of another book whilst reading it?

I feel like this book is pretty much going to be the default answer for this question.
Red Queen didn't really stand out as it's own thing. The elements that were involved in this book were reminiscent to other YA Dystopian books such as
Divergent, The Hunger Games, Throne Of Glass, The Young Elites, Shatter Me and many others. This book had potential but it reminded me of so many other books while reading it.
4. "You all have got to stop calling each other sluts and wh****. It just makes it okay for guys to call you sluts and wh***." - Which book gave you the complete opposite of girl power feels?

Not to be repetitive with this book, but even though I loved this book very much, I couldn't get over an aspect of Juliette's character that I just didn't enjoy. I was expecting her to be more of a powerful and determined character but I was disappointed to see her turn into more of a weak and almost self-pitting female protagonist. It was different to see that type of character in a dystopian book but I just didn't get many girl-power moments with her.
5. “You go Glen Coco!” - Name a character you felt like you wanted to cheer on whilst reading.

One of my top fictional heroes is Cinder, hands down! I loved her from the very beginning of this series and I LOVE her character development throughout the rest of the books, especially in Cress! There were so many times when I just wanted to throw a parade for Cinder and I was literally cheering her on in a certain scene when the odds were not looking good at all. All her friends were in danger, including Cinder and they thought they were all going to die but then Cinder stepped up and was like "Denied!" Anyway, as you can see, I think Cinder freaking rocks!
6. “Get in loser, we’re going shopping!” How long do you typically spend at a book shop?

Typically it depends on what bookstore I'm in. If I'm in say
Barnes & Noble, I can spend anywhere between 1-2 hours in there. I just love looking at all the thousands of books they have there and just bask in their beauty! Although if I'm in
Half Price Books, I can only spend 30-45 minutes in there otherwise one of two things happen: (1) I end up buying way more books than I planned (discounts, man) or (2) I get sucked in by all the great titles if I'm in there for too long, which causes the first problem to occur. Regardless, there's just something about seeing all the beautiful books in one place that's just so magical!
7. “It’s not my fault you’re like in love with me or something!” - Which character would have to get out a restraining order on you, if they were real?
This sums it up pretty well:
8. “I can’t help it that I’m popular.” - Which overhyped book were you cautious about reading?

I've actually had so many books that I've been nervous to check out because of hype and things of that nature. Two books I was nervous to check out were
Throne Of Glass and
The Hunger Games. Even though I enjoyed them, they didn't live up to my expectations. They were both a little bit of a flop for me but I'm still glad I finally gave them a go.
9. “She’s a life ruiner. She ruins peoples lives.” - We all love Regina George. Name a villian you just love to hate.

Now I've read a good selection of villains in my past but none amount to the one and only Queen Levana from
The Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer. When it comes to my favorite villians, Queen Levana is probably my favorite of all time! I actually have a post where I talk about my top five favorite villains which you can check out
HERE! When it comes to villains, I have yet to find another that tops this evil queen. I honestly don't think I'll ever find one for that matter and I'm okay with that!
10. “I’m not like a regular Mom, I’m a cool Mom.” - Your favourite fictional parents.

I haven't read a lot of books that have really great parents- either the character doesn't remember their parents, doesn't have any, or hates them- but these two stood out. Both sets of parents in both books were really fun to read about. They had an equal balance between being really fun and kind of goofy but also being good parents that actually "laid down the law".
11. “That is so Fetch!” - Which book or series would you love to catch on?

One series I seriously needs to be hyped more is the
Theodore Boone series by John Grisham. I read these books a few years ago and I seriously fell in love with this middle-grade mystery series! With the recent release of the fifth book in this series, I feel like this is the perfect time for new readers to check it out and experience the awesomeness that is Theodore Boone! The books are really entertaining and even nail-biting at times! I really love this series and if you haven't read it yet, I definitely recommend you try it.
12. “How do I even begin to explain Regina George?” - Describe your ideal character to read about.

I feel like I have somewhat of a typical character love but here are my preferences: When I'm reading about a female protagonist, I love a kick-butt, strong and independent character that doesn't give up easily such as Cinder or Tris. When it's a guy, I love a sarcastic, witty and even goofy character such as Captain Thorne from
Cress by Marissa Meyer. I don't know what it is about those types of characters that gets to me but I can't help it!
13. “I just have a lot of feelings.” - What do you do when a book gives you a bad case of ‘the feels’?

Usually when I have a bad case of the feels after reading a book, I usually go straight to Netflix or YouTube for comfort. I don't have friends that read the same books I read. The books that they read I usually have never heard of at all. Because I don't have friends to fangirl with, music and videos help to comfort me. Usually I watch some booktube but most times I listen to "Natural Disaster" by Pentatonix, for whatever reason, that's my go-to song when I'm feeling the feels. Sometimes I go on Goodreads or stalk the hashtag for the book on Instagram or Tumblr. We all deal differently, right?
14. “Nice wig Janice, what’s it made of?” "Your Mom’s chest hair!” - Which characters one liners would you love to claim for your own?

There are so many great one-liners out there in the world but some of the ones I wish I could claim are those said by Captain Thorne and Lemony Snicket. They're so clever with the things they say and most times I'm jealous I didn't think of them myself.
15. “Boo, you wh***.” - Name a time a characters decision has made you roll your eyes

In case you haven't been following my blog for very long, you might not know how I felt about Janie from the
Dream Catchers trilogy by Lisa McMann, more specifically, the sequel,
Fade. There were so many times when I wanted to shake the crap out of Janie and she annoyed me to no end. She was just a really dumb female protagonist in the sequel and I honestly didn't like the book because of her. It makes me feel bad to say these things because Lisa McMann is one of my favorite authors. Janie was a character I just couldn't deal with.
I tried to keep my answers short for this one since there were quite a few questions. If you read the entire post, comment "Grool" in the comments! I hope you guys enjoyed this tag! If you want to do this tag, please do and feel free to say I tagged you! Read on bookworms! See you in the next chapter!