Hello, everyone! Today, I have something very special for you all today! I've been VERY hesitant to do something I've been thinking and considering doing for almost a year now and I kept warring with myself that the time wasn't right, nor was I good enough. I'm an artist as some of you might know if you've been following me on social media, but I tend to hate every single piece I create after a while. I'm incredibly hard on myself and I've been told by my art teacher MANY times that there's no need for me to be so hard on my own artwork.
Which is why I finally ripped off the band-aid before I could chicken out. I have officially opened my own ART SHOP.
I'm still SO NERVOUS that the shop is now live and people can actually buy prints of my artwork as well as phone cases, throw pillows, art blocks, and much more! Whether you decide to only take a peek at my shop or actually go on to purchase anything like a print or even a sticker, I'M INCREDIBLY THANKFUL!! It helps me pay the bills. Click the image below to view my shop and happy listening!

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