Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Song Of The Week #9

Hello, everyone! I hope everyone has had a fantastic week so far! I just have a few quick updates to let you guys know about before we get onto the song I chose to share with you all this week so keep on reading if you're curious to know what's new with me and this blog of mine.

First, I took part in the #DAReadathon, which is a Harry Potter themed read-a-thon and since I FINALLY read the first book at the end of 2016, I was so excited to take part in it along with the rest of the Of Wonderland ninjas. I didn't read as much as I would have liked, partly because I needed to read a few review copies during that time and because I forgot about the read-a-thon and later found it had already begun five days after the start date, WHOOPS. Anyhoo, here are my results!

I was able to complete two full books and get almost halfway through another which I'm currently still reading so I'm pretty happy with my score even though I would have loved just a few more points. I'm a bit competitive with myself.

Another update is that I designed a couple of bookish stickers and added them to my art shop! Just click on the images below to view them! I also have the designs available on other products. If you take a second to view them, YOU GET FIVE MILLION AWESOME POINTS!

I hope to design more bookish stickers in the next coming weeks so I'll be announcing any new ones here on my blog and on twitter so stay tuned.

That about wraps everything up on my end! What have you all been up to lately? Read on, bookworms! Happy listening!




  1. Congrats on the read-a-thon points! Also, those stickers are seriously cool D:

    1. Thank you! I tried my hardest for my Hogwarts house :D And I'm glad you like the stickers!! <3
